It's an event packed with ideas, and spotlighting the industry's most revolutionary thinkers! Hygienix is a must for anyone in the absorbent hygiene and personal care industry. Come, and you can network with world renowned speakers. Connect with industry peers. Find out what's happening around the world, what trends are emerging, and what the possibilities are for tomorrow. Hygienix brings together professionals in the entire supply chain. And this year, it's in one of the world's most thrilling locations, too. Mark your calendar – and get ready to soar!

Hygienix Conference

Presented by INDA

Immerse yourself in topics that are both relevant and riveting:

Hygienix 2016

Here's what your peers are saying:

"Great job by your team in providing an excellent conference. The receptions and table top were first class. Good presentations and excellent attention to detail. I heard no complaints from other attendees."

– Bill Norman, Vice President & GM, North America,
Clopay Plastic Products Company, Inc.

"Thank you for a great conference. I enjoyed myself and thought everything was first class. There seems to be a lot of interest from the industry in helping us move the Standards along. Hopefully some will contribute to the efforts. Also I hope you found the dine around successful. I thought the group was great."

– Steven G. Gregg, Ph.D., Executive Director,
National Association For Continence (NAFC)