WOW 2020 COVID-19 Update

Dear INDA Members and Wipe Professionals,

At this time, the World of Wipes International Conference is still scheduled to occur June 22-25, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Your safety and well-being in this new COVID-19 reality is paramount. INDA continues to monitor the situation with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and in concert with federal and state governments. We are guided by the March 16th CDC recommended eight-week hiatus for events with over 50 people which ends May 9th, and the growing consensus around the end of April being the time to start the return process. We will continue to keep you informed if any changes occur.

Enabling the conference to safely occur demands new protocols, in terms of sanitation, prevention and flexibility in making up-to-the-minute adjustments as the situation requires. The new measures include: 

  • Abundant access to hand sanitizers, and disinfecting wipes 
  • Increased cleaning of frequently touched hard surfaces in conference rooms, exhibition rooms, and restrooms
  • Wider walking aisles for tabletop exhibits and receptions to provide increased physical space distance
  • Conference seating to increase physical distance
  • Reception appetizers that are individually wrapped and passed on wait staff serving trays

Additionally, we recognize the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 issue. Making decisions to attend a conference in late June may be difficult given these uncertainties. Therefore, INDA is making your decision to register “Risk-Free” by offering fully refundable registrations and tabletops until Monday, June 15th. Should your plans change, you can select a full refund, or transfer your registration or tabletop fees to WOW 2021.

INDA stands ready to assist our industry as it works to meet the demands of this challenging time. We will continue to keep you informed as changes occur. For latest updates, please visit and the INDA Calendar of Events. We encourage everyone to stay safe and wish you good health. 


Dave Rousse, INDA President and INDA Staff

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