All Courses are organized by:
INDA/NWI Member: $2,500
Non-member: $3,300
Fiber and Filament Extrusion Fundamentals
INDA/NWI Member: $2,500
Non-member: $3,300
INDA/NWI Member: $2,500
Non-member: $3,300
Nonwoven Product Development & Innovation Course
INDA/NWI Member: $2,500
Non-member: $3,300
Multiple registrants from the same company receive a discount.
Benoit Maze, Ph.D., Director of Education and Administration, The Nonwovens Institute (NWI)
Dr. Maze has been with the institute since 2003 in various research positions, from modeling to product development.
Amy Minton, Physical Testing Lab Manager, The Nonwovens Institute (NWI)
Ms. Minton received her B.S. degree in Textile Technology from NCSU. Ms. Minton has managed the Analytical and Physical testing labs for NWI since 2000.
Behnam Pourdeyhimi, Ph.D., William A. Klopman Distinguished Professor of Textile Materials and Associate Dean for Industry Research and Extension, North Carolina State University, and Executive Director, The Nonwovens Institute (NWI)
Professor Pourdeyhimi received his Ph.D. from Leeds University in 1982. He has taught textile and fiber science, technology and engineering as well as microscopy and image analysis applications to textiles, nonwovens and materials problems both at undergraduate and graduate levels. His research experience covers such areas as image and structural analysis of nonwoven fibrous webs, textile applications in sports, bioengineering and materials, instrumentation and test method development, among others. Pourdeyhimi’s research interests are in the area of nonwovens, materials, biomaterials, modeling performance, special textile structures, and image analysis. His expertise is recognized by major corporations and leading research bodies around the world. He is a consultant to over 30 bodies and major corporations.