Winners Announcement 2021 AATCC Concept 2 Consumer® Student Design Competition

Winners Announcement 2021 AATCC Concept 2 Consumer® Student Design Competition

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC, USA, May 7, 2021— AATCC is happy to announce the winners of the 2021 AATCC Concept 2 Consumers® Student Design Competition!

AATCC received 41 entries, with 57 students participating from 20 colleges and universities. This year’s theme, Fashion Evolution, showcased AATCC’s Centennial—the Association’s 100th Birthday! The theme for AATCC’s Centennial celebrations is “Celebrating a Century—Focused on the Future!”

Fashion Evolution mirrored that theme. From the 1920s, when AATCC was founded, to the present day, students were asked to choose a decade from the last 100 years and reinvent the fashions for the 2020 decade, focusing on one or more of the following:

  • fit/sizing for various body types
  • sustainable fashion
  • personal protection
  • new textile materials/technology

First Place

Movement by Doran Kim, University of Texas, Austin

This student was awarded:

  • US$1,000 from AATCC
  • Pantone Cotton Passport and COY mug
  • US$300 Spoonflower Gift Certificate and Spoonflower DIY Book Bundle
  • US$200 Jacquard Inkjet Fabric Systems gift certificate to obtain prepared for dyeing (PFD) fabric
  • Datacolor ColorReaderPRO
  • One-year free AATCC Student Membership

Kim is a Textiles and Apparel Major & Entrepreneurship Minor at the University of Texas, Austin.

She says, “From this competition, I learned how fashion trends evolve and return to popularity. It was an educational moment for me as a designer to create a collection that brings nostalgia from past fashion trends in a way that the current market desires.

I have seen many fashion brands that only focus on one part of the sustainable production process. In the future, I want to create clothing that is truly sustainable in every step from sourcing to the after-use stage. I want to prove with my designs that we do not have to exploit natural resources, abuse animals, or neglect human rights just to look good. Contributing to better fashion practice is the future I dream.”

Second Place

Caminates by Carla Pierini, Drexel University

This student was awarded:

  • US$750 from AATCC
  • Pantone Cotton Passport and COY mug
  • US$150 Spoonflower Gift Certificate and Spoonflower DIY Book Bundle
  • US$100 Jacquard Inkjet Fabric Systems gift certificate to obtain prepared for dyeing (PFD) fabric
  • Datacolor ColorReaderPRO
  • One-year free AATCC Student Membership

Pierini is a sophomore majoring in Fashion Design at Drexel University.

She says, “From this competition I learned that no matter how abstract ideas can look, you can achieve the unimaginable with dedication, passion, and people that support and believe in your potential. For my future, I want to focus on finding the perfect balance in my career, working on sustainable, innovative, and impactful projects that will bring a positive change in the fashion industry and society.”

Third Place

Moonchild by Ingrid Yeung, University of California, Davis

This student was awarded:

  • US$200 from AATCC
  • US$75 Spoonflower Gift Certificate and Spoonflower DIY Book Bundle
  • US$50 Jacquard Inkjet Fabric Systems gift certificate to obtain prepared for dyeing (PFD) fabric
  • Datacolor ColorReaderPRO.
  • One-year free AATCC Student Membership

Yeung is a Junior pursuing a BA in Design and BS in Managerial Economics.

She says, “Throughout this process, I learned the complexities of functional apparel design, and I was able to challenge myself to discover new forms of innovation and creativity within fashion. In the future, I aim to design within a space that merges functionality and aesthetic/beauty while also producing work with impact that can outlast the prevailing life cycle of rapid consumption.”

Developers, Judges, and Sponsors

AATCC would like to extend appreciation to the following developers, judges, and sponsors. Without their expertise and assistance, the competition would not have been possible.


  • Sandra Johnson, Senior Account Manager at Color Solutions International
  • Nora Khanna, Product Development Manager at Pantone
  • Kerry King, Vice President, R&D at Spoonflower Inc.
  • Muditha Senanayake, Professor at Cal Poly Pomona
  • Alyssa McNamara, Project Manager at Spoonflower Inc.


  • Lisa Beck, Product Manager at Datacolor
  • Emily Coleman, Designer and Merchandise Manager at Jefferies Socks
  • Hunter Ellis, President at Jacquard Inkjet Fabric Systems
  • Yvonne Johnson, Senior Director: Product Development at Cotton Incorporated
  • Lauren Koury, E-commerce Specialist at Carolina Hosiery Mills
  • Alyssa McNamara, Project Manager at Spoonflower Inc.
  • Kristie Rhodes, Manager, Product Development at Cotton Incorporated
  • Carrie Yates, Associate Director, Knit Product Development at Cotton Incorporated









About AATCC: AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members throughout the world.

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Contact Information

Company: AATCC
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