Technical Committee on Research Service Award

RTP, NC, August 31, 2023 – AATCC is pleased to recognize Jeffrey D. Krauss as the 2023 recipient of the AATCC Technical Committee on Research (TCR) Service Award.
Krauss is receiving this award for his invaluable assistance with the development and production of AATCC control fabrics. As Research Operations Manager with Zeis Textile Extension at the Wilson College of Textiles, North Carolina State University, Krauss regularly works with AATCC committees and staff to develop and produce dyed fabrics such as those used for UV calibration (RA36/EP11), chlorine colorfastness (RA23/TM162), and ozone colorfastness (RA33/TM129). His generous donation of equipment time, knowledge and hands-on assistance contribute significantly to the quality and consistency of AATCC products.
Visit the AATCC Textile Discovery Summit from September 12-14 to see Jeffery D. Krauss accept his award. Register now at
Krauss has been a member of AATCC since 1999. A strong supporter of AATCC, Krauss has attended several AATCC conferences, including the Textile Discovery Summit. Copies of AATCC Review magazine are prominently displayed in his lab. He is a strong advocate for AATCC methods, products, and activities, and has introduced numerous students, faculty, and clients to the Association.
Krauss received an AA in Media Production at Miami-Dade Community College and then a BA in Vocational Instruction Education at North Carolina State University. Prior to working at North Carolina State University, he worked for Burlington Industries for 12 years in the areas of wake finishing, shift dying, and quality control.
The Award
The Technical Committee on Research Service Award was established in 2008 to recognize those members who have contributed greatly to AATCC in a technical capacity. Senior members of the Association with at least five years of continuous membership in AATCC, who have contributed outstanding technical service to the Association through activity in a research committee, are eligible. Selection is by unanimous choice of the TCR Service Award Committee composed of the current chair, vice chair, and secretary of the Technical Committee on Research (TCR), as well as the chair of the Executive Committee on Research (ECR). The Award consists of a plaque and an honorarium. This award will be presented to Krauss during the Textile Discovery Summit Awards Luncheon at the Hyatt Regency in Greenville, South Carolina on Thursday, September 14, 2023.
For more information about this award and to see prior award recipients, visit our website at
AATCC connects the global textile community to empower an innovative, informed, and sustainable future. Headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, AATCC has provided standards development, testing materials, educational resources, and professional networking to the global textile industry for more than a century.