Speakers Address Textile Issues

RTP, NC, April 22, 2022 – Everyone is invited to AATCC’s virtual May Interest Group meetings! AATCC Interest Groups allow textile professionals to address their area of interest within AATCC. During the Spring Committee Meetings, the four Interest Groups host speakers to give attendees the opportunity to learn from the experts in their area of interest.
The Concept 2 Consumer® Interest Group (C2C IG) is intended for designers, merchandisers, product developers, colorists and others from brands, retailers, and commercial testing labs to share their interest in color and quality, and the challenges of working with a complex textile supply chain. This Spring, the C2C speaker is Keith Hoover, President of Black Swan Textiles LLC. Hoover will present, “Resurrecting Fashion: Digitalization and the Path Forward.”
The apparel industry has been under fire from several fronts over the past few decades. Profitability, sustainability, workers’ rights, manufacturing logistics, supply chain constraints, fit, quality, and the lack of any point of view on style are among the wounds that are festering in the once-proud industry.
This presentation will examine the apparel industry—past, present, and future—and provide the presenter’s opinion on what it will take to actually improve things (not just change them). Instead of doing the same old same old, new practices and technologies must allow employees to focus on solving problems and provide genuine improvement.
If you are interested in how we can change the model from Concept to Consumer—and you see an opportunity to address a higher class of problem (instead of doing the same old same old), then don’t miss this session.
The Chemical Applications Interest Group (CAIG) seeks to stimulate and expand the knowledge base of applying chemicals (preparation aids, colorants, finishes, polymers, etc.) to textile substrates. The group concentrates on the technologies, equipment, systems, and processes used, as well as testing the physical/mechanical properties of treated materials. Speakers Scott Bowers and Ben Triplett from TexPro will talk about “Optimizing Finishing Productivity & Quality.”
TexPro’s Optimization Program restores the uniformity and heat transfer capabilities of thermal production equipment. The program involves restoring oven performance and educating plant staff on how to maintain their ovens consistently at peak performance. Just as importantly, TexPro utilizes patented equipment to document the web temperature profile as it travels through the oven; and we aid in the optimization of production recipes to provide the needed web temperature profile at the highest possible throughput. Line speeds typically are increased 15% – 35%, often considerably more, with improved quality and enhanced consistency. In addition to seeing improved quality and line speed increases, users have reported 5%-10% energy reductions.
The mission of the Rising Professionals Interest Group (RISE) is to address professional development, networking, mentorship, leadership, and other aspects of a career in textiles. The Rising Professionals interest group is open to all AATCC members regardless of age. The group provides a “home” for individuals new to AATCC and/or new to the industry—whether recent graduates or seasoned professionals coming to textiles from another industry. Speaker Jeff Sackaroff, Director of Career Services for the Wilson College of Textiles at North Carolina State University, will talk about “Career Management for the New Professional; How to Set Yourself Up for Long Term Career Success.”
Learn about ways you can help ensure your success for the duration of your career.
The Materials Interest Group (MIG) was formed to stimulate and expand the collective knowledge and development of new materials related to the fiber and fiber products industries via innovative modifications of existing structures and/or creation of unique compositions of matter. The speaker at May’s MIG meeting will be Jan Beringer, the Senior Scientific Expert for the Hohenstein Institute, talking about “Digital Material Physics for 3D Design.”
Accurate material parameters are often overlooked. Yet, it is vital to ensure that digital materials look and behave consistently, both with reality and between 3D platforms. Without a standard, this challenge is daunting. Learn about a new method to translate five tests into consistent visualization across systems.
AATCC Research committee meetings will be held virtually from May 10-12; all the Interest Group meetings will take place on Wednesday, May 11. Attendance at any or all of these meetings is at no cost to you or your organization. Registration is free and you don’t even have to be a member of AATCC—though membership has other valuable benefits! All the Spring 2022 meetings will be virtual, so you can attend from anywhere.
Registration and a complete schedule of meetings are now available online. You must register in advance to receive meeting credentials.
AATCC Research Committee Meetings
May 10-12
Learn all about the AATCC Interest Groups at https://aatcc.org/join/#ig. To register for the virtual AATCC Research Committee Meetings, visit https://aatcc.org/aatcc-events/research/
About AATCC: AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members in about 50 countries throughout the world.