Register Online for 2022 AATCC Proficiency Testing Programs

RTP, NC, October 15, 2021 – Labs may now register online for all 2022 AATCC Proficiency Testing Programs (PTP). The online registration process allows labs to complete registration and credit card payment in one easy step. Just add PTP registration(s) to your cart along with quality control materials, standards, and other items.
PTPs support certification and continuous improvement initiatives for textile laboratories. Compare results with hundreds of other labs to verify performance or identify areas for improvement.
Seven AATCC programs cover Antibacterial, Appearance & Physical Properties, Color Evaluation, Colorfastness, Fiber Analysis, Moisture Management and Resistance & Repellency test methods and evaluation procedures. Samples are selected to provide consistent results in a meaningful range for each program. Register now at
How it works:
- Labs register for one or more PTPs.
- AATCC sends samples, instructions, and data sheets to participating labs twice per year.
- Labs have approximately one month to complete testing and submit results online.
- AATCC distributes a report to participating labs with a confidential lab code.
- Each lab receives a Certificate of Participation.
PTP1: Color Evaluation
Samples shipped January and July
- EP1, Gray Scale for Color Change
- EP2, Gray Scale for Staining
- EP7, Instrumental Assessment of Change in Color of Test Specimen
- EP12, Instrumental Degree of Staining
PTP2: Fiber Analysis
Samples shipped February and August
- TM20, Fiber Analysis: Qualitative
- TM20A, Fiber Analysis: Quantitative
PTP3: Appearance & Physical Properties
Samples shipped March and September
- TM88B, Seam Smoothness in Fabrics after Home Laundering
- TM88C, Crease Retention in Fabrics after Home Laundering
- TM124, Appearance of Fabrics after Home Laundering
- TM128 Wrinkle Recovery of Fabrics: Appearance Method
- TM135, Dimensional Changes of Fabrics after Home Laundering
- TM179, Skew Change in Fabrics after Home Laundering
PTP4: Antibacterial
Samples shipped April
- TM100, Antibacterial Finishes on Textile Materials: Assessment of
- TM147, Antibacterial Activity Assessment of Textile Materials: Parallel Streak Method
PTP5: Resistance & Repellency
Samples shipped May and November
- TM22, Water Repellency: Spray Test
- TM35, Water Resistance: Rain Test
- TM42, Water Resistance: Impact Penetration Test
- TM118, Oil Repellency: Hydrocarbon Resistance Test
- TM127, Water Resistance: Hydrostatic Pressure Test
PTP6: Colorfastness
Samples shipped June and December
- TM8, Colorfastness to Crocking: Crockmeter Method
- TM15, Colorfastness to Perspiration
- TM16.3, Colorfastness to Light: Xenon-Arc
- TM61, Colorfastness to Laundering: Accelerated
- TM107, Colorfastness to Water
- TM133, Colorfastness to Heat: Hot Pressing
- TM162, Colorfastness to Water: Chlorinated Pool
PTP7: Moisture Management
Samples shipped October
- TM79, Absorbency of Textiles
- TM195, Liquid Moisture Management Properties of Textile Fabrics
- TM197, Vertical Wicking of Textiles
- TM198, Horizontal Wicking of Textiles
- TM199, Drying Time of Textiles: Moisture Analyzer Method
- TM200, Drying Rate of Textiles at their Absorbent Capacity: Air Flow Method
- TM201, Drying Rate of Fabrics: Heated Plate Method
- TM204, Water Vapor Transmission of Textiles
About AATCC: AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members in about 50 countries throughout the world.