Reconnections and Committees

Reconnections and Committees

RTP, NC, September 12, 2022 – AATCC Committees provide the helping hands, hearts, and minds that bring textile industry standards to life.  Each year, AATCC committees provide groundbreaking standards and conferences that fill much-needed industry gaps.  More than 30 AATCC Research Committees will meet this November to develop test methods, conferences, and other educational programs or publications. When you connect with AATCC committees, you can impact the textile tests used worldwide!

The Administrative Committee Meetings will be October 18-20, 2022, and are remote only.

The Research Committee Meetings will be held at the AATCC Headquarters located at 1 Davis Dr. RTP, NC. The Research Committee Meetings will be held November 14-17, 2022, and are in-person with hybrid remote options for all meetings.

The AATCC Interest Groups will kick off the meetings on Monday, November 14, with an impressive list of speakers.  On Tuesday, AATCC will hold a dedication ceremony renaming the Library in honor of past Executive Vice President, John (Jack) Daniels.  Throughout the week, there will be opportunities to reconnect and participate with the committees in providing standards development and industry guidance.

There is no fee to attend, and your input is welcomed.  Unless otherwise noted, meetings are open to all. Registration, however, is required. Committee meeting registration, meeting schedules, and information on hotel accommodations are available at

Please register to reconnect, participate and help in the good work of the AATCC committees.

About AATCC: AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members in about 50 countries throughout the world.

Contact Information

Company: AATCC
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