Program Announced for AATCC 2020 International Conference

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC, USA, January 10, 2020— Going Green in Greenville is the theme for AATCC’s 2020 International Conference being held March 10-12 at the Hyatt in Greenville, SC. The Hyatt is located in Greenville’s trendy downtown district and is near the area’s best dining, shopping, and entertainment.
Elizabeth McCormick, former Black Hawk Pilot and disabled veteran, will provide the keynote presentation, “YOU. In the Pilot’s Seat.” McCormick will share professional development secrets for success with stories of overcoming overwhelming obstacles as a helicopter pilot while inspiring YOU to Soar 2 Success!
Additional presentations and speakers include:
Microfibre Release from Textiles: The Evolving Journey of Understanding—Craig Lindemann, W.L.Gore & Associates Inc.
Reducing Synthetic Microfiber Pollution—Andrea Ferris, Intrinsic Advanced Materials
Recycled Content in Textiles—Robert Demianew, Control Union Certifications North America
Lands’ End’s Sustainable Initiatives—Dave Burreson, Lands’ End
Visible Light Photocatalytic Functional TiO2/PVDF Nanofibers for Dye Pollutant Degradation—Seshadri Ramkumar, Texas Tech University
Developments in Digital Textile Printing Technology—Katelyn Lee, Cotton Incorporated
Squid-Inspired Tandem Repeat Proteins: Functional Fibers and Films—Melik C. Demirel, Pennsylvania State University
Green, Recyclable and Paradigm Shifting Radiant Blocking Fiber—Frank McCullough, Carbtex Technology Inc.
How Graphene Fiber Technology Can Work for You: Application of Graphene Fiber in Textiles—Matt Reid, Graphene One
Advances in Polyester Yarn and Fiber—Alex Gudac, Unifi Manufacturing, Inc.
Wash Durable CNT Yarns for Wearable E-Textile Applications—Md. Milon Hossain, North Carolina State University
Smart Fabrics for the Furniture Industry – What Might They Be? What Problems do They Solve?—David Dean, Glen Raven Custom Fabrics
Energy Storage Devices in Textiles by Knitting MXene Yarns—Ariana Levitt, Drexel University
Renewable, Cost-effective, Comfortable, High Moisture Regain Fabrics Based on Bio derived Polymers—Phil Brown, Clemson University
Practical Consequences of Radiant Heat Exchange Theory to Clothing Design—Emiel DenHartog, North Carolina State University
Textile Odor Testing—Methods Development to Meet Changing Industrial Needs—Siqi (Lance) Li, Microban International Ltd.
Using Three-Dimensional Body Scanning to Investigate the Ergonomic Fit of Personal Protective Clothing for Female Firefighters—Meredith McQuerry, Florida State University
Novel Modeling Method to Evaluate the Thermo-regulating Behavior of Micro Encapsulated PCMs Coated Fabric—Muhammad Owais Raza Siddiqui, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan
Progresses in Development of Biocidal Textiles for Personal Protection—Gang Sun, University of California, Davis
Flammability Testing for Protective Clothing—Amanda H. Newsom, UL LLC
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Methods for Assessment of Contamination on Firefighter Turnout Gear—R. Bryan Ormond, North Carolina State University
This event also includes a poster session, the Herman & Myrtle Goldstein Graduate Student Paper Competition, the Young Professionals Panel Discussion, networking receptions with tabletop exhibits, and the Awards Luncheon, where AATCC’s most prestigious awards will be presented.
Plans are underway for a pre-conference tour of Clemson University’s International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR) on the afternoon of March 10. Participants will see research labs for manufacturing equipment, engine dyno rooms, the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Lab, and some concept cars built by automotive engineering students. Details once finalized will be posted on the conference’s website,
Tabletop exhibits and sponsorships are available to promote a company’s presence at the conference. Take advantage of these opportunities to introduce the attendees to your company’s products and services.
The conference is open to anyone who would like to attend. For more details regarding the program, accommodations, sponsorships, tabletops or to register for AATCC’s 2020 International Conference, visit
About AATCC: Founded as the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC), the Association continues to evolve to meet the needs of those in the ever-changing textile, apparel, and materials industries. AATCC has served textile professionals since 1921. Today, the Association provides test method development, quality control materials, education, and professional networking for a global audience.
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