Monadnock Non-Wovens LLC Celebrates 20 Years of Innovation

Mt. Pocono, PA – October 22, 2018 – Monadnock Non-Wovens LLC (MNW), established in 1998, proudly serves the fast growing automotive, facemask, filtration, healthcare and consumer markets. Celebrating its 20th anniversary, MNW has experienced tremendous growth and a dramatic evolution from making vacuum bags to creating high-performance, light weight technical nonwovens. MNW was founded by Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc. (MPM) which was established in 1819 in Bennington, New Hampshire.
In celebration of its 20th anniversary, MNW has launched a new responsive website,, to highlight the breadth of its capabilities and products. MNW designs and builds its own manufacturing lines. It also offers a “Pilot to Production” program for developers of fine fiber meltblown polypropylene products seeking to transition from proven R+D scale production to industrial scale manufacturing. MNW is a longstanding member of both INDA and AFS industry associations.
This year MNW introduced the next generation of sound attenuation media for the automotive and trucking industry. HPAM® High Performance Acoustic Media is lighter than competitive products yet offers a quieter ride with improved fuel efficiency. Like all MNW products, HPAM is recyclable and manufactured with 100 percent renewable electricity (RECs). Under its newly updated ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Standard, MNW demonstrates its commitment to manufacturing excellence.
All of the polypropylene products made at MNW are all recyclable and 100 percent of its polypropylene manufacturing waste byproduct is recycled.
“It has been an exciting year for all of us at Monadnock. I look forward to what opportunities our next 20 years and beyond will bring,” said Keith Hayward, MNW Managing Director.
About Monadnock Non-Wovens
Monadnock Non-Wovens, founded by Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc. of Bennington, NH, was established in 1998 to manufacture nonwoven material for the fast growing automotive, facemask, filtration, healthcare and consumer markets. It supplies nonwoven media roll goods and calendared composites to converters around the world matching advanced fiber technology and customer demands to meet Global standards.