MBT and Polyguard Group Announce Exclusive Nano Silver License Agreement

MBT and Polyguard Group Announce Exclusive Nano Silver License Agreement

Sandersville, GA – January 11, 2021: 2020 was a challenging year which required major change and innovation for companies to survive and thrive during the Covid 19 pandemic. In 2020 MBT was able to convert its traditional industrial and construction product model into producing meltblown filtration materials for facemasks. MBT was determined to find ways to improve on existing facemask materials and began collaborating with Polyguard Group to create meltblown products with antimicrobial properties like no other on the market today.

“Once we met with the team at Polyguard we could see immediately that these guys were innovators. They have created one of the most unique and important antimicrobial technologies the world has ever seen.” says MBT President, Derek Yurgaitis. “I was completely blown away by the nano silver technology, its unique mechanism of action and the potential to be game changing in the fight against infections. Polyguard has already successfully inhibited Corona virus with a 99.15% reduction. We can now begin to imagine materials from HEPA filters to Facemasks that prevent microbes from replication on their surfaces.”

Polyguard Group LLC, President Jerry Gaskins says, “We are extremely excited to join in a license agreement with MeltBlown Technologies to help combat and defeat microbes and viruses such as Covid 19. As a society we need to be ready for the next microbe or virus with pandemic potential. We are also excited to work with MBT in their present business model, creating mold free, fungus free and anti-microbial materials using POLYGUARD which will tremendously enhance their existing business model.”

“One of the challenges for any manufacturer is being able to innovate while executing on its core business efficiently,” continues Yurgaitis “Our partnership with Polyguard allows us to focus on our core strengths and continue to build innovative antimicrobial products at a time when the world needs them most.”

If you are interested in finding out more about Meltblown Technologies innovative antimicrobial products containing Polyguard, call Derek Yurgaitis at 203.546.0201 or email him at

MeltBlown Technologies is based in Sandersville, Georgia. Its philosophies of partnership and strategic distribution help develop relationships that pull cost from the channel and emphasize solving critical business issues for customers. MBT manufactures the highest quality Meltblown products in the USA.

Polyguard is the only Non-Conditional Nano Silver technology the EPA has ever registered. Polyguard is an antimicrobial additive engineered for incorporation into fibers and filaments utilizing a proprietary new approach to product application which delivers performance for the life of the treated fabric. It represents an economical and environmentally responsible alternative to conventional leaching or migratory type organic agents as well as more recent ionic exchange-based technologies. For more information please contact Jerry Gaskin at 973.732.6482 or via email

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Company: Meltblown Technologies Inc.
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