Lead and Influence Through AATCC Committees

Lead and Influence Through AATCC Committees

RTP, NC, March 8, 2022 – Do you ever feel like a small fish in a really big textile pond? Attending AATCC committee meetings is a great way to get some perspective AND to make sure your voice is heard when it comes to test methods, educational programs, and more. You get a behind-the-scenes look at what’s new in the textile industry and get a personal connection with the people making it happen. If you’re ready to get involved, you can help influence decisions about the projects and research to pursue. All at no cost to you or your organization. Registration is free and you don’t have to be a member of AATCC—though membership has other valuable benefits! All the Spring 2022 meetings will be virtual, so you can attend from anywhere.

Administrative Meetings

Administrative meetings cover conferences, publications, education, membership, statistics, and more. These meetings will be April 5-8. Each meeting lasts less than 90 minutes. Spread across four days, you can attend one or multiple meetings to learn more about how AATCC operates and share your ideas for the future of the Association. Register online to join by web or phone.

AATCC Administrative Committee Meetings
April 5-8

Research Meetings

Research committee meetings will be May 10-12. The detailed schedule is available online. At these meetings, experts and stakeholders work together to develop and update the AATCC standards that ensure product quality and accurate analysis around the world. AATCC interest groups (Chemical Applications, Concept 2 Consumer, Materials, and Rising Professionals) will also host speakers during this series of meetings. Registration and a complete schedule of meetings is now available online. You must register in advance to receive meeting credentials.

To align efforts and make good use of expert’s time, AATCC and ASTM will co-locate several closely related meetings. This will enable interested individuals to conveniently attend both meetings in one place. Several AATCC research committees will NOT meet in May but will meet with their ASTM counterparts in June. Committees and times for co-located meetings are listed at the bottom of the schedule.

AATCC Research Committee Meetings
May 10-12










Registration information for co-located meetings will be posted soon at All co-located meetings will include an option for virtual participation.

General Information

Mark your calendar for all the upcoming AATCC meetings.

Spring Admin Meetings                 April 5-8

Spring Research Meetings            May 10-12

Fall Admin Meetings                      October 18-20

Fall Research Meetings                  November 15-17

Don’t miss your opportunity to make an impact on the textile industry! You can register for the virtual administrative committee meetings at, and you can register for the research committee meetings at

About AATCC: AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members in about 50 countries throughout the world.

Contact Information

Company: AATCC
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