Health Tech Company Improves Hand Hygiene

Leeds, United Kingdom, April 23, 2020 – With the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 now creating an additional month of economic disruption and school closures, the public is more conscious than ever about the need to manage the spread of germs. 80% of infections are transferred via the hands. While Public Health England is highlighting the need for hand hygiene, there is currently no way to prevent infection spreading as people touch contaminated surfaces, creating significant risk.
A Leeds-based health-tech company spun out from Leeds University, Surfaceskins, has invented unique and potentially game-changing self-disinfecting, antimicrobial door pushpads and pullhandles that breaks the cycle of infection created as people touch doors, which act as major germ hotspots in high risk sites such as hospitals, schools and restaurants. Surfaceskins kill deposited germs on doors in seconds to prevent germs from being passed on.
The business has seen a major increase in interest from customers across the world as the coronavirus has become a global concern, with healthcare institutions, schools and food manufacturers looking to maximise their infection and virus control.
Although seemingly simple, in fact the product design is incredibly sophisticated, formed of a reservoir made from three non-woven or bonded materials with a film topsheet that fits into a recyclable plastic holster, making it very easy to install and maintain. Protection lasts for a week or 1000 pushes before the pad needs to be replaced.
The Surfaceskin products are unique, killing deposited germs on doors in seconds to prevent germs from being passed on. This means the door can effectively self-disinfect to protect every user and ensure that infection will not be passed from doors to hands. Not only does Surfaceskins control infection rates by eliminating doors and door handles as an area of contagion, but they are also proven to nearly double hand hygiene compliance rates and awareness, something everyone is after in the midst of COVID-19. It is no surprise the business has experienced a huge increase in demand and enquiries.
Surfaceskins is now seeing a 100% increase in enquires, including interest from customers in Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Russia and New Zealand, (among others) with healthcare institutions, schools and food manufacturers looking to maximise their infection and virus control.
The idea for Surfaceskins came about when one of its inventors noticed how dirty the door plates in his local GP surgery were. This sparked the idea for a simple, low-cost, retro-fit, antibacterial fitting for doors and, hundreds of prototypes later, the Surfaceskins door pushpad was launched.
Surfaceskins is now at early revenue generating stage and has already secured £4m in orders from markets including the Middle East and Africa, Europe, South East Asia and the UK.
Contact Information
Email: brianw@surfaceskins.comURL:
Phone: 44 0113 350 3829
Company: Surfaceskins