Former Kimberly-Clark executive, Jay Gottleib, has joined Tethis, Inc.’s Board of Directors

Former Kimberly-Clark executive, Jay Gottleib, has joined Tethis, Inc.’s Board of Directors

Tethis Welcomes Jay Gottleib

RALEIGH, NC, April 9, 2020 – Tethis, Inc., a company bringing plant-based superabsorbents to the world of consumer care, announced today that it has appointed Jay Gottleib as an independent director, effective immediately. A former president of both the Adult and Feminine Care and the Consumer Tissue businesses within industry giant Kimberly-Clark, Mr. Gottleib brings executive-level perspective and insight into the markets most important to Tethis and its customers.

“We are thrilled to be adding Jay to the team and look forward to benefiting from his guidance and leadership to help us build a great company,” said Robin Weitkamp, Tethis’ Chief Executive Officer.

Through both internal prototyping and trials on commercial diaper production lines, Tethis has demonstrated that in diapers, their superabsorbents can be used to partially displace plastic superabsorbent polymers (SAP), increasing the plant content of a typical diaper by up to 75%. Additionally, Tethis’ compostable, plastic-free superabsorbents enable best-in-class performance when formulated as the sole superabsorbent into the absorbent core of feminine sanitary napkins.

“Jay’s vast experience in the consumer goods and household products markets will benefit Tethis greatly as we branch out to commercialize the company’s absorbent technology platform and as we aggressively build partnerships with those in industry that share our vision,” Weitkamp says.

About Tethis

Tethis develops and manufactures superabsorbent materials built from plant-based feedstock sources. Tethis’ proprietary, plastic-free, compostable superabsorbents allow product brands and manufacturers to comfortably and cost-effectively move to more genuinely eco-conscious products while keeping overall performance. For additional information, visit


Tethis Media Relations:
Tyler Tibbits
(919) 808-2866 ext.204

Contact Information

Phone: +1(919) 808-2866 ext 2O4
Company: Tethis, Inc.
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