Datacolor Donation to AATCC Laboratory

AATCC Technical Associate Carrie Gray and Datacolor Global Key Account Team Manager Ken Butts with the DC850 spectrophotometer recently donated to the AATCC lab.
RTP, NC, December 28, 2021 – Besides connecting and supporting textile professionals, AATCC has extensive technical resources, including a fully equipped laboratory and staff with textile expertise. The lab now includes a new spectrophotometer donated by Datacolor.
Datacolor Global Key Account Team Manager Ken Butts visited the AATCC Technical Center to oversee the setup and software installation. The new instrument replaces a DC650 that was previously donated by Datacolor. It will complement a suite of instruments at the Technical Center for evaluation of visible color and ultraviolet radiation.
AATCC Technical Director Erika Simmons said, “Datacolor instrumentation has always been an integral tool for AATCC color assessment and textile UV standards development, and we are delighted to continue this tradition thanks to Datacolor’s generous donation.” The AATCC laboratory is used for teaching and demonstration as well as research related to AATCC test methods and procedures. AATCC committees and corporate members also have access to the equipment for small-scale testing. The new spectrophotometer will be an important component of AATCC’s Textile Testing Workshop and Color Management Workshop, where attendees get expert training and hands-on experience with lab equipment.
The donation coincides with AATCC’s 100th anniversary and a renewed focus on collaboration. AATCC President-elect John Crocker said, “AATCC appreciates the partnership with Datacolor and we look forward to the future.”
About AATCC: AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members in about 50 countries throughout the world.