Chronicle to receive Chapin Award for Service to AATCC

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., USA, February 14, 2020— In recognition of her outstanding service to the Association, Debra F. Chronicle has been chosen as the 2019 recipient of the Harold C. Chapin Award for her dedicated service and outreach—locally, nationally, and internationally.
Chronicle joined AATCC in 1980 as a member of the Rhode Island Section, and from 1987 through 1988 served on the Rhode Island Sectional Committee. From 1990 through 1991, she was selected as one of three Rhode Island Councilors and, in this capacity, served as a national officer on the AATCC Council. She was elected as vice-chair of the Rhode Island Section from 1992 through 1993 and chaired the section from 1994 through 1995. In 1996, she became treasurer of the Rhode Island Section. When the Northern New England and Rhode Island Sections merged in 2002, Chronicle was responsible for balancing and then merging the financial records of both sections. She was elected to the office of treasurer of the newly formed New England Section beginning in 2003, and she continues to serve as the New England Section Treasurer to this day.
In her role as treasurer of the AATCC New England Section, Chronicle is a fiscally attentive and responsible officer. She has provided consistent financial guidance to the local section, and transparent fiscal reporting on the local and national levels. She volunteers tirelessly for section and regional events and encourages participation and service from members, as well as textile and design students in the region. She motivates her fellow section officers and brings a sense of regional responsibility to her peers. Even when traveling, she promotes the Association and the benefits of membership.
Nationally, Chronicle served as the New England Regional Board Member from 2015 through 2016. She was reappointed by the New England Region to continue her service from 2017 through 2018. As the New England Regional Board Member, she represented the New England Region on the AATCC Board of Directors, as well as the AATCC Membership and Publications Committees, Committee on Conferences, and Technical Committee on Research. She served as chair of the AATCC Membership Committee from 2015 through 2018. Also, from 1991 through 2010, Chronicle was a member of the Printing Technology Research Committee.
The Chapin Award
The Chapin Award was established in 1958 in honor of Harold C. Chapin, professor of chemistry at Lowell Textile School, who served as national secretary of AATCC for nearly 25 years. The Association presents the Chapin Award recipient with a beautiful hand-lettered scroll during the International Conference Awards Luncheon in Greenville, SC, USA, on March 12, 2020.
For a list of past Chapin Award recipients, visit
About AATCC: AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, N.C., USA, provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members in about 50 countries throughout the world.
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