ANDRITZ tissue production line at MG TEC Industry in Romania delivers top quality – repeat order placed

GRAZ, JANUARY 12, 2022. International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully completed all the performance test runs for the PrimeLineCOMPACT tissue production line delivered on turnkey basis to MG TEC Industry for its mill in Dej, Romania.
Dorin Mocan, CEO of MG TEC Industry, says: “Together with ANDRITZ, we have started up our new tissue production line successfully and are proud of the perfect end-product quality. Based on this success, we have placed a repeat order with the same scope of supply and are looking forward to its installation.”
The energy-efficient PrimeLineCOMPACT tissue machine, with a design speed of 1,900 m/min and a paper width of 2.85 m, produces high-quality tissue grades. It includes an ANDRITZ PrimeFlow headbox with on-the-run jet angle adjustment, a suction pressure roll with drive side exhaust to ensure easy felt and roll change, a 15-ft. PrimeDry Steel Yankee for energy-efficient and safe operation, a PrimeDry Hood G gas-heated Yankee hood, a PrimeDustEXT dust extraction system, and a PrimeMistEXT mist extraction system.
The ANDRITZ scope of supply also comprised:
- A stock preparation line including approach flow system and broke handling: The proven TwinFlo disc refiner technology is used in a separate long-fiber line to achieve optimum development of fiber properties. The approach flow system features the ANDRITZ ShortFlow concept, which allows a minimized number of equipment items and very low storage volume as well as fast grade changes at the tissue machine.
- WeCare Prime forming fabrics and StrataPress press felts for high dryness content and energy savings as well as two Polysoft PU suction pressure roll covers for efficient machine throughput and which contribute towards achieving the targeted running time intervals.
- An ANDRITZ Metris UX Platform for real-time monitoring of energy consumption and efficiency as well as enhanced process tools to optimize production and ensure highest quality control: All service work and optimizations after start-up can be conducted through the Metris Performance Center located at the ANDRITZ headquarters in Graz, Austria.
MG TEC Industry is a newly formed company focusing on innovation and sustainable tissue production.
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International technology group ANDRITZ offers a broad portfolio of innovative plants, equipment, systems and services for the pulp and paper industry, the hydropower sector, the metals processing and forming industry, pumps, solid/liquid separation in the municipal and industrial sectors, as well as animal feed and biomass pelleting. Plants for power generation, flue gas cleaning, recycling, and the production of nonwovens and panelboard complete the global product and service offering. Innovative products and services in the industrial digitalization sector are offered under the brand name Metris and help customers to make their plants more user-friendly, efficient and profitable. The publicly listed group has around 26,800 employees and more than 280 locations in over 40 countries.
ANDRITZ Pulp & Paper provides equipment, systems, complete plants and services for the production of all types of pulp, paper, board and tissue. The technologies and services focus on maximum utilization of raw materials, increased production efficiency and sustainability as well as lower overall operating costs. Boilers for power generation, flue gas cleaning systems, plants for the production of nonwovens and panelboard (MDF), as well as recycling and shredding solutions for various waste materials also form a part of this business area. State-of-the-art IIoT technologies as part of Metris digitalization solutions complete the comprehensive product offering.