ABC Presents O’Neal with Gold Level Safety Award

O’Neal, Inc. an integrated design and construction firm based in Greenville, SC, has received a Gold-level national safety award presented by the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC). O’Neal was presented with the STEP Award plaque by the Carolinas Chapter of the Associated Builders and Contractors on October 15, 2015, at the Annual ABC Safety Conference.
“At O’Neal we strive to create and maintain a culture that promotes a safe work environment, and this award reflects our ongoing commitment to making safety our highest priority,” said Kevin Bean, O’Neal President and CEO.
ABC of the Carolinas recently held their Annual Safety Conference on October 15, 2015 at the Speedway Club, in Concord, NC. Over 150 attendees who participated in the annual event to promote and live the safety culture making sure everyone goes home.
Established more than 20 years ago, ABC’s Safety Training and Evaluation process (STEP) Awards program specifically recognizes construction companies for their achievements in safety training and self-evaluation, including their ongoing efforts to develop a quality safety program.