AATCC Standards: A Century of Progress, Internationally Recognized

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., USA, November 23, 2020
Changes in 2021 AATCC International Manual of Test Methods and Procedures
AATCC is an international standards organization with its origins in the USA. AATCC standards are developed, specified, and performed around the world. AATCC’s global representation will be reflected in the name of the standards manual. Effective with the 2021 publication, volume 96, the former AATCC Technical Manual has been renamed as the AATCC International Manual of Test Methods and Procedures. This change coincides with the advent of AATCC’s 100th year anniversary.
The AATCC International Manual of Test Methods and Procedures includes 14 revised, 3 editorially revised, 13 reaffirmed, and 1 new standard since publication of the 2020 volume 95 of the AATCC Technical Manual. In accordance with AATCC M13, Rules of Procedure for AATCC Test Method and Technology Committees, all technical changes are unanimously approved by the responsible research committee and the Technical Committee on Research (TCR) before publication. The following summarizes the specific changes which occurred.
- AATCCTM16.3-2020, Test Method for Colorfastness to Light: Xenon-Arc
Revised to update Options 1, 2 & 3 flow charts
- AATCC TM20A-2020, Test Method for Colorfastness to Burnt Gas Fumes
Revised for clarity and to update Tables I and II
- AATCC TM23-2015e (2020), Test Method for Fiber Analysis: Quantitative
Reaffirmed with updated designation and history aligned to AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC TM26-2020, Test Method for Ageing of Sulfur-Dyed Textiles: Accelerated
Revised to clarify and align with prescribed AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC TM61-2013e(2020),Test Method for Colorfastness to Laundering: Accelerated
Reaffirmed with updated designation and history aligned to AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC TM70-2015e2(2020),Test Method for Water Repellency: Tumble Jar Dynamic Absorption
Reaffirmed with updated designation and history aligned to AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC TM94-2020, Test Method for Finishes in Textiles: Identification
Revised to update the spectra, revise the text in existing sections and to add new sections for clarity.
- AATCC TM97-2020, Test Method for Extractable Content of Textiles
Revised to clarify safety requirements
- AATCC TM112-2020, Test Method for Formaldehyde Release from Fabric, Determination of: Sealed Jar Method
Revised multiple sections for clarity
- AATCC TM118-2020, Test Method for Oil Repellency: Hydrocarbon Resistance Test
Revised several sections for clarity and to align format with AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC TM125-2013e2(2020), Test Method for Colorfastness to Perspiration and Light
Reaffirmed with updated designation and history; aligned to AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC TM133-2020, Test Method for Colorfastness to Heat: Hot Pressing
Revised to align with prescribed AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC TM157-2016(2017)e2, Test Method for Colorfastness to Solvent Spotting: Perchloroethylene
Editorially revised to transfer Jurisdiction from RA92 to RA87 and to align History to AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC TM163-2013e(2020), Test Method for Colorfastness to Storage: Dye Transfer
Reaffirmed with updated designation and history aligned to AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC TM164-2015e(2020), Test Method for Colorfastness to Oxides of Nitrogen in the Atmosphere under High Humidities
Reaffirmed with updated designation and history aligned to AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC TM169-2020, Test Method for Weather Resistance of Textiles: Xenon Lamp Exposure
Revised to add references standards, added Appendix B, and various editorial changes.
- AATCC TM183-2020, Test Method for Transmittance or Blocking of Erythemally Weighted Ultraviolet Radiation through Fabrics
Revised to add references to verification fabric and UPF compilation, and to align format with AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC TM184-1998e2(2020), Test Method for Dusting Behavior of Dyes
Reaffirmed with updated designation and history aligned to AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC TM195-2017(e3), Test Method for Extractable Content of Textiles
Editorially Revised to reference LP1 and LP2 instead of M6; which has been removed
- AATCC TM196-2011(2013)e3, Test Method for Colorfastness to Sodium Hypochlorite of a Textile Floor Covering
Editorially Revised to add Table I which was previously omitted; and to update designation and history to align to AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC TM198-2011e3(2020), Test Method for Horizontal Wicking of Textiles
Reaffirmed with updated designation and history aligned to AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC TM202-2012(2020),Test Method for Relative Hand Value of Textiles: Instrumental
Reaffirmed with updated designation and history aligned to AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC TM206-2020, Test Method for Free and Hydrolyzed Formaldehyde: Water Extraction
Revised to update multiple sections for clarity
- AATCC TM210-2019(2020), Test Method for Relative Hand Value of Textiles: Instrumental
Reaffirmed with updated designation and history aligned to AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC EP1-2020, Evaluation Procedure for Gray Scale for Color Change
Revised to include Gray Scale maintenance and replacement instructions approved by the committee in 2018; but omitted from the previous published version; history section added to align with style guidelines.
- AATCC EP2-2020, Evaluation Procedure for Gray Scale for Staining
Revised to include Gray Scale maintenance and replacement instructions approved by the committee in 2018; but omitted from the previous published version; history section added to align with style guidelines.
- AATCC EP5-1996e2(2020), Evaluation Procedure for Fabric Hand Value
Reaffirmed with updated designation and history aligned to AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC EP13-2018e2(2020), Evaluation Procedure for Electrical Resistance of Electronically-Integrated Textiles
Reaffirmed with updated designation and history aligned to AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC LP2-2018e (2020), Laboratory Procedure for Home Laundering: Hand Washing
Reaffirmed with updated designation and history aligned to AATCC style guidelines
- AATCC M12-2020, AATCC Style Guide for Writing Test Methods and Procedures
Revised to include Designation and History sections, along with various updates and clarifications.
- AATCC M14-2020, Guidance and Considerations for General Purpose Textile Face Coverings: Adult
New method developed by Committee RA113, Emerging Issues Test Methods.
- New Title for AATCC Technical Manual: AATCC Manual of International Test Methods and Procedures
- RA61, Appearance Retention Test Methods
Revised scope
- RA92, Interaction of Dyes and Finishes Test Methods
Decommission of committee. All standards moved under jurisdiction of RA87, Applied Dyeing and Characterization of Dyes Test Methods
- RA112, Thermal Analysis Test Methods
Revised committee title to better represent scope and developing standards.
- RA113, Emerging Issues Test Methods
Newly developed committee
The AATCC International Manual of Test Methods and Procedures will be available for purchase January 2, 2021. The complete manual is sold in either hardbound book form or as a USB drive. Individual methods are available for PDF download. Purchases can be made directly at https://www.aatcc.org/products/ or as part of an ASTM compass subscription https://www.astm.org/Standard/enterprise-compass.html.
About AATCC: Founded as the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC), the Association continues to evolve to meet the needs of those in the ever-changing textile, apparel, and materials industries. AATCC has served textile professionals since 1921. Today, the Association provides test method development, quality control materials, education, and professional networking for a global audience.
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