AATCC Recognizes Outgoing Officers

AATCC Recognizes Outgoing Officers

RTP, NC, December 14, 2021 – As a professional association, AATCC is run by and for textile industry professionals. Volunteer committees, and especially the officers that lead them, have been the driving force behind all that AATCC does for the past 100 years.

Thank you to all who work on the administrative and research committee! And special thanks to the outgoing officers, some of whom have served multiple terms and some who have already agreed to stay on for an additional term.

If you are interested in joining or chairing a committee, please visit or contact Diana Wyman (; +1.919.491.3803).

Outgoing AATCC Officers
Committee Name Served
C1 AATCC Board of Directors Charles Gavin III Emeritus Treasurer 2019-2021
C2 Executive Committee on Research Adam Varley, Vartest Laboratories Inc Chair 2019-2021
C3 Technical Committee on Research John Crocker, SDL Atlas LLC Chair C3/Vice Chair C2 2019-2021
C3 Technical Committee on Research Apurba Banerjee, Milwaukee Tool Vice Chair 2019-2021
C9 Constitution & Bylaws Bob Lattie Chair 2017-2021
CS61 Harold C Chapin Award Martha Carper Central Atlantic Rep 2017-2021, Chair 2021
CS65 Olney Medal Award Phil Sims, Pulcra Chemicals At large 2017-2021, Chair 2021
RA23 Colorfastness to Water Jodi Geis, Catawba Valley Community College Chair 2019-2021
RA31 Matt Hardwick, ResInnova Laboratories Chair 2019-2021
RA32 Victor Kholodkov, Ascend Performance Materials Chair 2019-2021
RA33 John Crocker, SDL Atlas LLC Chair 2019-2021
RA36 Andrew Fraser, LKH Sourcing Acting Chair 2021
RA38 John Crocker, SDL Atlas LLC Acting Chair 2021
RA42 Seemanta Mitra, GEO  CHEM Consumer Products Services Chair 2019-2021
RA43 Joe Nilsen, DLA Troops Support Chair 2019-2021
RA50 Smrithi Kumar, Q-Lab Corp Chair 2019-2021
RA59 Mirada Klaas, Testfabrics, Inc Chair 2019-2021
RA60 Susan Gassett, Natick Soldier RDE Center Chair 2019-2021
RA61 Renuka Dhandapani, Cotton, Inc Acting Chair 2021
RA63 Kiarash Arangdad, ITG Burlington Chair 2019-2021
RA75 Tyler Pickett, Adidas Chair 2019-2021
RA104 Mike Tyndall, Tyndall Textile Consulting, Ltd Acting Chair 2021
RA106 Seemanta Mitra, GEO  CHEM Consumer Products Services Chair 2019-2021
RA111 Bethany Pollack, Draper Knitting Co Acting Chair 2021
RA112 Apurba Banerjee, Milwaukee Tool Chair 2019-2021


Outgoing officers receive a certificate of appreciation and will be recognized at the next round of AATCC committee meetings in May 2022. New officers will be announced in January and a few vacancies remain.

About AATCC: AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members in about 50 countries throughout the world.

Contact Information

Company: AATCC
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