AATCC Proposes Constitution Changes

AATCC Proposes Constitution Changes

RTP, NC, September 1, 2022 – This September, members of the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) will vote on new Board members for the 2023-2024 term. They will also vote on significant amendments to the AATCC Constitution proposed by the C6 Membership Committee. The proposed amendments address two major items as well as minor updates to procedures and terminology.

Member Categories

One set of changes combines “Senior” and “Associate” member categories under the new designation “Individual.” The Membership Committee explains that there were several reasons for this proposal. While Senior membership has always officially designated at least five years of industry experience, members have expressed confusion, assuming Senior membership is reserved for those reaching a certain age. It is impractical to verify the credentials of each applicant and the Committee felt it was not desirable to limit the full involvement of “enthusiastic and knowledgeable newcomers.” In fact, AATCC recently launched a new Rising Professionals Interest Group to guide and support such members, whether they are entering textiles directly from school or from another industry.

Board Composition

Other changes eliminate Regional and Interest Group At-Large positions on the AATCC Board of Directors, while adding the Membership Committee Chair. The current regional system excludes a large portion of AATCC members from representation. Under the proposed structure, local sections, as well as student chapters, will report to the Membership Committee and the Chair will ensure their ideas and concerns are presented to the Board.

Board Elections

AATCC members will select their President-elect as well as Regional and Interest Group representatives to the Board of Directors. Ballots are customized based on each member’s geographic region and chosen interest group. As noted above, not all members are part of a voting region. All members do have the option to select a voting interest group.


Ballots are distributed via email in September, with voting ending at the beginning of November. Results of the amendment referendum and elections will be announced at AATCC’s Annual Meeting on November 16. All are welcome to attend the meeting in person or virtually by registering for AATCC Research and Interest Group Meetings.

If you are a member of AATCC, now is your time to vote! If you are not a member of AATCC, you can still get more information or sign up to be a member! For more information about the proposed amendments and the Board candidates, visit

About AATCC: AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members in about 50 countries throughout the world.

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Company: AATCC
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