AATCC PPE Testing Webinar Series Continues

AATCC PPE Testing Webinar Series Continues

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., USA, June 16, 2020— AATCC is pleased to announce the PPE Testing Webinar Series will continue July 9 at 11:00AM (EDT) with a third webinar focusing on an overview of surgical mask and respirator requirements.

This webinar is offered at no cost to Individual and Corporate members of AATCC and at a 70% discount ($45) for nonmembers.

This presentation will provide an overview of surgical masks and respirator industry standard, methods, and regulations. Also discussed will be the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s actions to help alleviate the shortage medical PPE through COVID-19 Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA’s) and Enforcement Policies. The interim policies specifically relating to surgical masks and respirators will be highlighted.

The presenter for this webinar is Matthew McGarrity with SGS North America Inc. McGarrity joined the Hardlines group in CRS at SGS in 2010. He specializes in regulatory, industry requirements, and quality testing. Mr. McGarrity’s focus is on Medical PPE, Environmental Exposure, and Accelerated Aging. As a senior technical manager of Hardlines, McGarrity designs and manages NBE (National Brand Equivalency) and benchmark testing programs.

You may register via the AATCC website.

Join the live webinar to ask questions of McGarrity or view the recording at your convenience.

About AATCC: Founded as the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC), the Association continues to evolve to meet the needs of those in the ever-changing textile, apparel, and materials industries. AATCC has served textile professionals since 1921. Today, the Association provides test method development, quality control materials, education, and professional networking for a global audience.


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Company: AATCC
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