AATCC Interest Group Updates

AATCC Interest Group Updates

RTP, NC, June 21, 2022 – AATCC interest groups bring together textile professionals with shared interests and expertise. The four current groups met in May for discussion and presentations. Visit for descriptions and meeting recaps. Watch AATCC newsletters, website, and social media for announcements of upcoming events. AATCC Interest groups are free to join and welcome everyone! If you would like to join, visit

Chemical Applications

The Chemical Applications Interest Group concentrates on the technologies, equipment, systems, and processes, as well as testing the physical/mechanical properties, of chemically-treated textile substrates. In May, Ben Triplett and Scott Bowers of Texpro presented “Optimizing Finishing Productivity & Quality.”

Concept 2 Consumer

The Concept 2 Consumer (C2C) Interest Group provides a forum for textile, apparel, and home fashion manufacturers and retailers. The most recent meeting featured a presentation on “Resurrecting Fashion: Digitalization and the path forward” by Keith Hoover, Black Swan Textiles.


The Materials Interest Group was formed to stimulate and expand the collective knowledge and development of new materials related to the fiber and fiber products industries via innovative modifications of existing structures and/or creation of unique compositions of matter. Jan Beringer, Hohenstein, discussed “Digital Material Physics for 3D Design” at the group’s May meeting.

Rising Professionals

The newest AATCC interest group addresses professional development, networking, mentorship, leadership, and other aspects of a career in textiles. The Rising Professionals Interest Group provides a “home” for individuals new to AATCC and/or new to the industry—whether recent graduates or seasoned professionals coming to textiles from another industry.


All interest groups will choose new officers this fall. Chairs and At-Large Members will be elected to serve on the AATCC Board of Directors 2023-2024. Be part of the process! All individual AATCC members may select a voting interest group. Members (and non-members) may participate in any or all interest groups, regardless of voting status. To select a voting interest group, log in and visit

Other Groups

AATCC research committees also met in May. Administrative committees met in April. A summary of all meetings is included in the July/August issue of AATCC Review magazine. Members can also access past summaries at

Fall committee meetings will be held October 18-20 and November 15-17. As always, most meetings are open to all and there is no fee to attend online or in person. Learn more at

About AATCC: AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members in about 50 countries throughout the world.

Contact Information

Company: AATCC
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