AATCC Announces Upcoming Committee Meetings

AATCC Announces Upcoming Committee Meetings

RTP, NC, August 11, 2022 – Committee meetings are a great way to get involved in AATCC and make your voice heard in the textile community. AATCC hosts committee meetings in the spring and in the fall and are free to attend. The two types of meetings are the administrative meetings and the research meetings. Not an AATCC member? Not a problem! While it is highly encouraged to be an AATCC member, these meetings are open to anyone! Not sure which meetings to attend? You can attend both! Everyone is welcome to attend both the administrative and research meetings. Read below to find out the differences between the two types of meetings!

Administrative committees (Virtual meetings)

October 18-20

AATCC administrative committees make decisions about conferences, membership, education, and more. Meetings are held virtually every Spring and Fall to give members and other stakeholders an opportunity to hear updates and discuss new ideas. Some groups meet jointly with related ASTM D13 subcommittees. There is no fee to attend and most meetings are open to all. (Committee members will receive an emailed invitation to any closed meetings.)

Visit for schedule updates, registration, and other details. Meetings are held virtually, but you MUST register in advance to receive the meeting link.

Research Committees (Hybrid meetings)

November 14-17
AATCC Technical Center (and Virtual)

AATCC research committees discuss, develop, and revise the standards used around the world to evaluate and characterize textile materials. You can impact the next test method for e-textiles or chemical analysis! As with administrative committees, attendance is free and everyone’s input is welcome. You don’t have to be a member to speak up.

The Fall 2022 research committee meetings will be held at the AATCC Technical Center. Details on transportation between the Center and the hotel will be posted soon. Watch for these and other important updates. Besides committee meetings, the agenda will include Interest Group meetings, dedication of the Technical Center Library, food trucks, speakers, and plenty of time to network with colleagues.

Another big change is the schedule for Interest Group meetings. The Chemical Applications, Concept 2 Consumer, Materials, and Rising Professionals groups will meet on Monday, November 14. Research committees will meet Tuesday and Wednesday, as usual. The Board of Directors will meet Thursday morning. A full itinerary will be posted online soon. If you can’t attend the complete event in person, you can still attend the meetings online. Be sure to register in advance either way!

Register now to attend virtual AATCC Administrative Committee meetings on October 18-20.

Watch for updates and registration for AATCC Research Committee meetings on November 14-17.

Don’t miss out on the fun, to become an AATCC member, visit

About AATCC: AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members in about 50 countries throughout the world.

Contact Information

Company: AATCC
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