AATCC Announces the 2022 Concept 2 Consumer® Student Merchandising Competition Winners

AATCC Announces the 2022 Concept 2 Consumer® Student Merchandising Competition Winners

RTP, NC, June 8, 2022 – AATCC is pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 AATCC Concept 2 Consumer® Student Merchandising Competition! This is a digital poster competition that will allow students the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in business, marketing, and merchandising. This year, AATCC received 12 entries, with 34 students participating! This year’s theme asked students to merchandise a sustainable travel wear line that incorporated recycled materials, sustainable manufacturing, and antibacterial and/or odor-control properties.

First Place

Plane by Paradise by Danielle Klinedinst, University of Delaware.

Klinedinst was awarded US$1000 from AATCC, US$300 from Farhan Patel, and one-year free AATCC Student Membership

Klinedinst is pursuing a degree in Fashion Merchandising and Management. She says, “this competition challenged me to research, have creativity, yet practically develop all aspects of a line while aligning with the modern values of the fashion industry, including sustainable practices, garment longevity, and textile functionality. Moving forward in a merchandising career, I seek to innovate and maintain a strong vision in the work I do as I have learned from this competition.”

Second Place

Any/Wear by Samantha Blocher, Washington State University.

Blocher was awarded US$750 from AATCC, US$200 from Farhan Patel, and one-year free AATCC student membership.

Blocher will be graduating with a BA in Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Textiles. From this competition, she “learned to challenge myself to think creatively and to identify unsaturated markets in the current apparel retail landscape.”

Third Place

First Class by Amber Mills, Temuera Queypo, Shing Yo Tsai, and Emma Raz, Oregon State University

This group was awarded US$250 from AATCC, US$100 from Farhan Patel, and one-year free AATCC student memberships.

Amber Mills is studying Merchandising Management and Apparel Design. She says, “One thing I learned from this competition was how to listen to each team member’s different creative ideas to collaborate on one cohesive concept. I’m very excited to be a Retail Management Intern for Nordstrom this summer and am hoping to pursue a career in merchandising as a women’s apparel buyer.”


Temuera Queypo is also a Merchandising Management student and says, “This competition was a great opportunity for me in gaining insight and experience of what would be expected within this profession, it was helpful getting the inside look and being able to produce content within association standards.”





Shing Yo Tsai, a Merchandising Management student, reveals, “I learned the importance of communicating with team members throughout this competition. I’m planning to expand my clothing line (both online and in-store) after I graduate.”





Emma Raz is a merchandising management student with a minor in marketing. She mentions, “I learned extremely valuable information about AATCC test methods and how they are used on garments we all wear today. I am an incoming merchandising intern for Macy’s this summer! My goal is to become a buyer!”

Developers, Judges, and Sponsors

AATCC would like to extend appreciation to the following developers, judges, and sponsors. Without their expertise and assistance, the competition would not have been possible.


Sandra Johnson, Senior Account Manager at Color Solutions International
Nora Khanna, Product Development Manager at Pantone
Kerry King, Vice President, R&D at Spoonflower Inc.
Muditha Senanayake, Professor at Cal Poly Pomona
Alyssa McNamara, Research Associate at Spoonflower Inc.


Alan Biggerstaff, Senior Quality Manager at Walmart

Farhan Patel, Marketing & Business Development Consultant

Christina Rapa, Textile Specialist at WL Gore

Shannon Redell, Sr. Materials Research Developer at Columbia Sportswear

Jennifer Rivas, Senior Technical Design Manager at Walmart

Scott Wagner, Fabric Manager, PD&S at Levi Strauss & Co.


Farhan Patel

About AATCC: AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members in about 50 countries throughout the world.

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Company: AATCC
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