AATCC Announces Call for Award and Leadership Nominations

AATCC Announces Call for Award and Leadership Nominations

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., USA, January 25, 2021—AATCC is full of creators, volunteers, and researchers, and AATCC applauds their contributions to the textile industry. AATCC recognizes achievements in science, service, and more every year. The Association is now accepting nominations for recognition of excellence in the textile industry through March 31, 2021. Nomination forms for all awards are available online at Anyone may nominate a deserving colleague or themselves for the following awards:

Olney Medal

Established in honor of Louis Atwell Olney, the founder and first president of AATCC, the Olney Medal recognizes outstanding achievement in textile or polymer chemistry or other fields of chemistry of major importance to textile science.

Chapin Award

Senior Individual (Professional) members who have dedicated 20 or more years of continuous service to the Association are eligible for nomination. The award is presented as a beautifully illustrated scroll.

Millson Award for Invention

Awarded every three years, 2021 is your next opportunity to nominate an inventor or inventors who impacted the textile, fiber, polymer, and medical industries. Nominees need not be AATCC members. Group and posthumous nominations are also welcome.

Technical Committee on Research (TCR) Service Award

The award recognizes up to two Senior Individual (Professional) members, with at least five years of continuous membership in AATCC, who have contributed outstanding technical service to the Association through activity in a research committee.

Future Leaders Award

Young professionals in the fields of textiles, apparel, and related material sciences are eligible for recognition as the future leaders of the Association. Nominees must be members of AATCC, 39 years of age or younger, and exhibit leadership skills.

Education Award

This award recognizes those members who have contributed extensively to the educational activities of AATCC.

Faculty Advisor Award

Nominate AATCC Student Chapter Faculty Advisors who actively work to ensure their AATCC student chapters are active and growing.

While most of the AATCC Board of Directors (BOD) will serve 2021-2022, the Materials Interest Group At-Large role will open sooner. Nominations for the BOD may be sent to Diana Wyman ( by March 31. The election will be held this summer and the selections will be announced at the November 2021 annual meeting. For more information about the current Board members and job responsibilities, visit

About AATCC: AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, N.C., USA, provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members throughout the world.

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Company: AATCC
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