AATCC 2022 Mid-Year Standards Supplement

AATCC 2022 Mid-Year Standards Supplement

RTP, NC, July 8, 2022 – AATCC publishes standards that have been approved since the annual release of the AATCC Manual of International Test Methods and Procedures. The standards will be available for download from the AATCC website starting July 1, 2022.

The revised test methods are as follows:

Two methods were editorially revised. Two methods were revised and issued new dates, and one method is brand new.

Revised Methods

TM157-2022 Test Method for Colorfastness to Solvent Spotting

TM157 was revised to include alternatives to perchloroethylene. The title was also changed to reflect its broader scope. This method measures the degree of color migration that occurs when a fabric is spotted with a dry cleaning solvent. Previous versions of this method were based exclusively on perchloroethylene. However, due to environmental, health, and safety issues related to perchloroethylene, there is a concerted effort to find more alternatives.  AATCC is working on this effort with the Dry cleaning and Laundering Institute (DLI). Several alternative chemistries have been identified and are listed in the method. As needed, the alternative options may be used instead of perchloroethylene for solvent spotting evaluations when using TM157. Perchloroethylene and the alternative chemistries are considered solvents of choice and provide testing flexibility as industry trends evolve.

Vertical Wicking Test Methods

TM197 Test Method for Vertical Wicking of Textiles previously offered two options. With the 2022 mid-year release, the options have been turned into separate standards. TM197-2022 retains the original reference number but has a new title reflecting its singular scope: vertical wicking to specified distances.  TM213-2022 is a new method that reflects vertical wicking to specified times. The jurisdiction of both methods now falls under AATCC Committee RA114 Moisture Management Test Methods.

Either method can be used to evaluate the ability of a fabric to transport liquid vertically and are applicable to woven, nonwoven, and knitted fabrics.

Editorially Revised Methods

TM15-2021e Test Method for Colorfastness to Perspiration

TM15 was editorially revised to follow the ASTM general textile conditioning guidelines outlined in ASTM D1776: Standard Practice for Conditioning and Testing Textiles.

This method determines the fastness of colored textiles to the effects of acid perspiration. It applies to dyed, printed, or otherwise colored textile fibers, yarns, or fabrics

TM209-2019e Test Method for pH and Total Alkali in Wet Processed Textiles: Combined.

TM209 was editorially revised to reference the correct section for sulfuric acid reagents. This method determines the pH and total alkali content of wet processed textiles. To make a quantitative determination, the chemicals influencing pH must be removed from the specimen, collected as a water extract, and then measured using a pH meter. This method was originally written to offer a combined method for performing AATCC TM81 Test Method for pH of the Water-Extract from Wet Processed Textiles and TM144 Test Method for Alkali in Wet Processed Textiles: Total.

AATCC connects the global textile community to empower an innovative, informed, and sustainable future.  In pursuit of its mission, AATCC offers international standards to support the industry.  In addition to providing global standards, AATCC provides QC products, test method training, and proficiency testing programs. These products are available at the AATCC website..

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Company: AATCC
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