INDA’s COVID-19 Protocols: Standards for a Safer Event

We all want to further ourselves as individuals and as an industry. That often requires gathering together to exchange ideas, connect with peers and generate the spark for new innovations. But in these times, meeting with one another demands adherence to special precautions.

At INDA, we are 100% committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all of our event participants and staff. While we can’t guarantee that attendees at our events or training courses will not be exposed to COVID-19, we have, as an organization, adopted preventative measures to reduce the potential spread of the virus at our events in accordance with:

• Guidance provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
• All applicable requirements imposed by federal, state, or local health authorities for the locality in which the event or training is taking place

While we’re taking every measure to comply with these standards, the responsibility for a safe and healthy event environment is shared among the event organizers, event venues, and event attendees. Toward this end, all attendees are expected to comply with all applicable requirements set by federal, state, or local health authorities for the locality in which the

conference is taking place, and in addition to our code of conduct, they are expected to adhere to and abide by the safety precautions INDA has implemented to protect against the spread of COVID-19. These precautions can include social distancing, mask wearing, personal hygiene and hand sanitization, adherence to pathway signage, self-monitoring and self-reporting.

Also, you should not attend an INDA event or training course if you are experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, or if you’ve experienced symptoms within 10 days prior to the event or training course. You should not attend if you believe that you may have been exposed to a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 or have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and are not yet cleared as non-contagious by state or local public health authorities or the health care team responsible for your treatment. In addition, conference attendees should self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and are asked to contact INDA at if they experience symptoms within 10 days after participating in the INDA event or training course. Any private health or personal data that may be received by INDA in connection with such measures and precautions will be treated as confidentially as possible.


o Please provide proof of vaccination (either in advance or onsite at the registration desk).
o Once a fully vaccinated attendee provides proof, an “indicator of vaccine status” will be attached to the name badge, which will allow you not to wear a mask (if you so choose).
o Wear a wrist band of your choice to indicate your contact preference:
o Green: Hi-Fives and Handshakes
o Yellow: Elbows Only
o Red: No Contact


o Provide a negative COVID-19 PCR test within
5 days prior to arrival at the event.
o Wear a face mask in all event and training
course meeting spaces.
o Wear a red wrist band indicating that
participants should stay at least six feet away.


o Regularly and thoroughly wash or sanitize
their hands throughout the day.
o Observe social distancing guidelines based
upon the wrist band system that has been
o Classes at NCSU require that a face mask
be worn at all times, regardless of
vaccination status.


o Disposable masks will be available at the registration desk.
o Vaccinated indicators will be provided on name badges.
o Disinfecting wipes will be available.
o Hand sanitizer stations will be positioned throughout the event and training course meeting spaces.

Please note that by registering for this event, you agree to adhere to the precautions and policies contained herein and acknowledge and understand that you are knowingly and freely assuming all risks related to illness and infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, by attending this event. Further, you understand that refusal to adhere to these policies and abide by these precautions may result in immediate removal from the event and cancellation of your registration, without receiving a refund.

QUESTIONS? Contact Tracie Leatham | | T: +1 919 459 3726

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