Cary, NC, January 29, 2021 – INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, with a broad coalition of industry organizations and labor unions, representing a broad spectrum of manufacturers and workers who stepped up to make essential PPE and other products throughout COVID-19, sent a letter today to President Biden and congressional leaders outlining recommendations on specific policy initiatives that must be adopted to re-establish a permanent PPE industry in the United States.

As noted in their joint letter sent (See a link to the full letters below):

“The heroic efforts of the U.S. textile industry and its exemplary workforce throughout this crisis clearly demonstrate that domestic industry has the technical capabilities and existing capacity to make the United States self-sufficient in terms of our national PPE needs. However, the permanence of this self-sufficiency is dependent on the development of government policies designed to help domestic manufacturers survive the current economic crisis and incentivize the long-term investment needed to bring PPE production back onshore. If appropriate policies are not implemented, the valuable and substantial progress made over the past year to onshore a vibrant PPE industry will evaporate in the face of China’s global manufacturing dominance in the PPE sector.

However, the permanence of this self-sufficiency is dependent on the development of government policies designed to help domestic manufacturers survive the current economic crisis and incentivize the long-term investment needed to bring PPE production back onshore.”

The associations are requesting that President Biden and Congress adopt the policy recommendations outlined in the letter through legislation, executive order and other appropriate means.

The coalition sent a letter to President Biden and a second letter to Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) outlining these requests.

See the full letters here.

Industry Labor Letter COVID Relief to Congress

Industry Labor Letter COVID Relief to President Biden

“Our members and our industry need these federal imperatives in place to ensure domestic readiness for the next pandemic,” said Dave Rousse, INDA President.


About INDA

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, serves hundreds of member companies in the nonwovens/engineered fabrics industry doing business globally. Since 1968, INDA events have helped members connect, learn, innovate, and develop their businesses. INDA educational courses, market data, test methods, consultancy, and issue advocacy help members succeed by providing them the information they need to better plan and execute their business strategies. INDA Media is the business-to-business publishing arm of INDA and publisher of International Fiber Journal and International Filtration News, which reach a vast network of professionals who employ fibers, filaments, and filtration systems to optimize their application environments. For more information, visit, or download the INDA mobile app for immediate updates.


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