Filtration 2012 Returns to Philadelphia

Exhibit sales and international participation are on record pace for Filtration 2012 International Conference and Exposition in November

CARY, N.C. — August 24, 2012 – Entering its third decade as the most important three days each year for the global filtration business, the Filtration 2012 International Conference and Exposition will return to the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 13–15, 2012.

Exhibitors will be showcasing the latest products, technologies and end products for filtration, while an extensive three-day Conference Program will cover diverse aspects of filtration technology, new products and research. INDA, Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, the organizer of the annual event, expects Filtration 2012 to attract over 1600 attendees from 30 countries to network, attend the Conference and walk the aisles of the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

Filtration 2012 is on pace to surpass the more than 125 exhibitors from all links in the filter supply chain that took part at Filtration 2011 in Chicago last November.

“As it returns to Philadelphia after a successful show in Chicago last year, Filtration 2012 will certainly live up to its reputation as the most important gathering of the global filtration business this year,” says INDA President Rory Holmes.

Holmes points out that the annual Filtration Conference & Exposition has become an extremely international venue for the filtration industry. “At Filtration 2011 in Chicago approximately one-third of all exhibitors were from outside the United States and Filtration 2012 is on track to exceed this,” Holmes adds. “Filtration 2012 is truly a global event and anyone involved in the business of filtration anywhere in the world should attend to learn about present and future opportunities in this industry.”

“With booth sales trending well ahead of last year’s total, Filtration 2012 promises to offer attendees even more exposure to the latest and greatest filtration products from companies around the world,” adds Marilyn Bellinger, Associate Director of Sales and Membership at INDA. “We are on pace for a record-setting show and we look forward to welcoming the world of filtration to Philadelphia.”

In addition to the Exposition, the Filtration 2012 Conference will provide insight into the latest technical developments in filtration from some of the industry’s leading companies and research institutions. Holmes points out that issues such as interior air quality, control of airborne diseases and illnesses, and greater efficiencies for industrial applications remain vital to individuals and businesses. Filtration 2012, he adds, will address these topics and more.

Kicking off the Conference will be the popular Filtration tutorials that will cover the basics of both Air and Liquid Filtration, along with discussions of common applications in both fields. Leading the Air Tutorial will be NAFA’s Executive Director, Al Veeck. Gerard Lynch, IFTS, and Abdoulaye Doucouré, Hollingsworth & Vose, will lead the Liquid Filtration session.

Among the other technical sessions planned as part of the Filtration Conference are:

* A session looking at “Filtration in the Future”, featuring presentations by Tom Kuehn, University of Minnesota; R. Vijayakumar, Aerfil LLC; and Gajanan Bhat, University of Tennessee.

* A keynote presentation by Dr. Andreas Kreuter, Managing Director and Member of the Management Board, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, Weinheim, Germany, will kick off the second day of the Conference.

* An Automotive/Transportation session will feature presentations by Andrew Shepard, Hollingsworth & Vose; Christine Stanfel, Freudenberg; and Judith Murawski, Flight Attendants Union.

* A panel discussion on in-situ testing versus lab testing will include input from a number of leading industry experts, including Bob Burkhead, Blue Heaven Technologies; Don Thornburg, Camfil Farr; Kevin Kinzer, 3M Company; and Philip Winters, Filtration Group.

“The Filtration 2012 Conference is the place for filtration executives to learn about the technical developments that will continue to drive this business in the 21st Century,” says INDA Director of Technical Affairs Steve Ogle. “The conference offers an excellent program for attendees that will put the focus on the business of filtration and what it will take to succeed in the future.”

To exhibit at Filtration 2012, contact Marilyn Bellinger,, (919) 233-1210 ext. 118 to reserve booth space.

To register or for more information on the Filtration 2012 International Conference and Exposition:

INDA is the leading global association of the nonwoven fabrics industry.  Since 1968, INDA has provided a variety of industry focused networking events to help members increase sales and market share.  INDA is the nonwoven industry’s premier source for market leading education, global forecasts, testing standards and trend reports which provides members the information and knowledge to better plan and execute their business.  Through its on-the-ground efforts in Washington DC, INDA provides members a strong voice within government on topics that affect the nonwovens industry.  For more information visit

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