Nonwoven FAQs

What is a nonwoven fabric?

Read INDA’s description of a nonwoven.

Video: Making Lives Better with Nonwovens

I have a fabric and would like to know what it is and what process was used to make it.

Please send a sample of your fabric to the address below and we will answer your question:

Matt O’Sickey
Director of Education and Technical Affairs
INDA, Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry
1100 Crescent Green, Suite 115
Cary, NC 27518

Need help with product applications, testing, or consulting?

Search our Consultants Network. For more information, contact INDA at 919-459-3700 or for information.

Need to know who makes or converts a certain product or fabric? (For example, who makes or converts baby wipes)

INDA’s Online International Nonwovens Directory supplies contact and product manufacturing information to help you locate customers and suppliers for over 4,000 worldwide companies in more than 95 countries, under 500 product and service listings (the Online Directory is updated daily). Customers can produce catalog lists, envelopes, and mailing labels with this option (free for INDA members).

Would like to know the current market size of Nonwovens in North America?

INDA publishes a variety of market reports on nonwovens. See our Store for more information.

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