Career Corner

Career Corner is your employment resource portal. Are you an employer looking to fill a position? Post it here.

There is no cost for INDA Members to post a job position. Non-members may post positions for $105 ($35 for each additional posting). Non-members using this service will be invoiced accordingly. To verify if your company is a member of INDA, check the member company listings.

When submitting an employment opportunity on Career Corner, please limit the listing to 200 words or less. Be sure the job description provides information such as contact person, address, phone, email, salary range and any information you require, such as resume, cover letter and references. It is helpful to include as much information as possible, such as education and experience expectations, to ensure recipients meet your specifications. Job listings will run for 3 months and will then be removed from the site.

Career Corner publishes text ads only. Box ads, borders, graphics or company logos are not accepted. Be sure to indicate the category in which the job should appear (Management, Marketing, Sales, or Technical).

Payment in the form of Visa, MasterCard, American Express will be accepted to post a job opportunity. Credit card payment with the information for the posting may be faxed to: Career Corner (919) 459-3701. If you have any questions, please contact Misty Ayers at (919) 459-3712, or email

For additional career resources, please visit one of the following links:

ITMA Asia + CITME Singapore Expo October 28-31, 2025 Registration Opens March 2025