Quick Links for Audits and Training
If you’re interested in participating in the program, please use the links below to register; there are separate forms for converters and suppliers.
- Supplier registration form
- Converter registration form
- Register for a training course on the EDANA harmonized quality assurance certification scheme
Please note that the registration process includes the creation of an account in the BSI connect portal; for suppliers the form also allows for submitting an audit request.
Reminder: converters need to register in order to have access to the portal, however, access to audit reports needs to be granted by the auditee. Vice versa it’s important that auditees inform their customers upfront about upcoming audits, to allow the customers to provide (confidentially) input for the auditor. Failing to do this may affect the acceptance of the audit report by the converters. Such access is granted on a site level with details provided upon registration.
Any interested parties need to send a request to sales.nl@bsigroup.com or ralf.veltman@bsigroup.com (+31 6 2564 3730).